Shameless Imitation

Back in 2013, after I had fairly perfected my sewist blog creeping, I came upon the most incredible blog post by Miss Celie's Pants' Renée. I mean, seriously... check this out: Is this not the most perfect, chic, elegant cape you've ever seen? For me it was love at first sight.

Renée had graciously posted all of the information about creating her work of art and, I kid you not, the very next day I had purchased the pattern and ordered all of the fabric. Quite a leap of faith at that point because 〜 remember 〜 I had never actually sewn anything for myself. When the fabric arrived, I only spent the next FIVE years admiring it. And then, 2018 arrived and I was finally ready. In early January, I cut into the fabric... and this is what happened:

Yes, that's snow. Did I mention I live in Canada? 



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